Voor jou: Gezond banana bread recept

For you: Healthy banana bread recipe

I hear more and more people who are baking. You're at home and hungry for tasty things. The kids also need to be kept busy and HOPPA! There's that mixing bowl, baking pan and mixer. Go with that banana.

Here, too, there is a serious need for delicacies during the day. Anyway, if we can all go to the beach again this summer, I don't want to snack on 5 kilos during this period. And because I suspect that this applies to several people, I would like to share this recipe with you: Healthy banana bread. SAY WHAT?! Yes indeed healthy 😍 And so literally go with that banana!

With this you have a tasty and healthy snack all week long and you can vary endlessly with the addition of ingredients and spread with delicious toppings. And I have no idea why it's called a "bread", the taste and structure is just cake in my eyes. The bananas and dates make it nice and sweet and in my opinion you don't need any sugar at all.
I hope you enjoy this healthy banana bread as much as we do at home here πŸ’›
Download the PDF , save it, print it out and get started! Also nice to send to that chaotic girlfriend 😏 Did you bake this delicacy? Cool! Then share your photo on social media with #beezonder 😍