Complimenten zijn gezond!

Compliments are healthy!

Giving (and receiving!) compliments is fun! You make someone else feel good and you feel better yourself.

But giving and receiving a compliment is more than just fun. Research shows that it is even important for the health of our psyche πŸ’›

Compliments cause the production of dopamine in our brains. This creates a positive feeling. The giver, who ensures a better relationship, also produces oxytocin and serotonin. A cuddle hormone and happiness hormone.

Unfortunately, we are less and less good at complimenting πŸ˜“ We are so busy with our own schedules that we know the other less well and therefore compliment less often. While we can benefit more from such a compliment due to the stress that we experience more often these days.

Now I like to sprinkle around with a good feeling, because I like that my loved ones know that I appreciate them and am proud of them as they are. Will you join me? Send your friend, colleague or family member a nice card to know that you appreciate him or her!